Fri 10 Jan
████☎█ 425-407-3446 ██ $100 / 30 $160/ 60 ██tuesday the time to try this talented tempress..... - 25
(Medford, MeDfOrD incall and outcall ALL nite 24/7)
Hypnotizing Blue Eyed Beauty ... get it boys...weekend SPECIALS!!! NEW!!! - 24
(Medford and Surrounding Areas)
textin/talkin n maybe hangout - w4m - 25
(Bend, Corvallis, East Oregon, Eugene, Klamath Falls, Medford, Oregon Coast, Portland, Roseburg, Salem, everywhere)
♥★ §weet ☆♥☆ Slim & Sexy☆✶ Petite & Busty ✶•ITALIAN• ✶ Addictive HOTTIE EarlyBird Special - 21
(Medford, medford Airport incalls only 420Frendliy)
SHHH! What Happens, it is our Secret! - 19
(Bend, Corvallis, East Oregon, Eugene, Klamath Falls, Medford, Oregon Coast, Portland, Roseburg, Salem, In town)
SL¡ppєrY δωεε† early morning SPEaCIALS ʆiɱitɛɗ tiɱ€ cαℓℓ mε ησω rεαℓ upscαℓε ßεαuty rェght みεrε👈 - 21
(Portland, Vancouver / portland)
💋💋💋💋💋💋!!!TGIF Special!!! ;) Sexy brunette visiting from Arizona! Incall Only💋💋💋💋💋💋😘 - 18
(Medford, South Medford)
♚▅█▒█▅♚TOP NoTCH SERViCE __ ♚LaSt DaY HeRe!! ♚ __ #1 MusT HaVE! ▃120$ Special!!♚▅█▒█▅♚ - 21
(Medford, Medford Airport/ my place or urs ;-))
☆☆Super Sexy☆ And she's Finger Licking Good♡♡♡♡∼∼∼EBony - 23
(Medford, All over Medford, Phoenix, Ashland)
♥♥♥ Sweet, Thick, Green Eyed Beauty♥♥♥ Leaving Sunday at Noon - 37
(Medford, Central Point Medford In and Out Calls)
Your Perfect Choice for Kinky Cravings ;)
(Bend, Corvallis, East Oregon, Eugene, Klamath Falls, Medford, Oregon Coast, Portland, Roseburg, Salem, anywhere you want me!)
Sweet and tender you will not regret seeing me
(Bend, Corvallis, East Oregon, Eugene, Klamath Falls, Medford, Oregon Coast, Portland, Roseburg, Salem, In my bedroom putting on a corset :-P)
Thu 09 Jan
*•°Out-Call Specials! Sexy Puerto Rican ready to Spice up your day!*•°•* Out-Call/In-Call - 24
(Medford, Surrounding Areas Out-calls/in-call)
UPSCALE- Exotic Elite European Courtesan, An experience like no other- Medford- today only! - 45
Specials! Specials! Last Day N Town!! Don't Miss me! SEXY - 23
(Medford, Airport Incall & outcall surrounding)
only in your area a short time, cone see what your life has been missing - 23
(Medford, Medford & surrounding area)
♛ ♛ The Royal Treatment is Waiting Right Here!! ♛ ♛ 2girls kourtney - 25
♡ ♥ ♡⭐⭐You've Had The REST Now Have The BEST⭐⭐♡ ♥ ♡NEW PICTURES❗❗♡ ♥ ♡•❣ - 23
(Medford, Grants Pass, Medford&&Surrounding; Areas.)
💕♥ Ultimate in Luxury 💋 TEASER & PLEASER 💋 Pure BLISS! 💕♥ - 42
(Beaverton/SW Pdx/Sylvan/Hwy 26, Portland)
Last Day in GP ;DR⭕P DE🅰D G⭕RGE⭕US 💖 🌹 δiℳpℓy 💕✷aℳaZinG 💋💗 Sexy💌∂яεαм Girl💗 - 22
(Grants Pass Oregon, Medford)
You can have this dream girl once in a lifetime experience
(Bend, Corvallis, East Oregon, Eugene, Klamath Falls, Medford, Oregon Coast, Portland, Roseburg, Salem, In my bedroom putting on a corset :-P)
(¯`'.¸ ¸.'´¯) (NEW) U N D E N I A B L E__D O L L (100% REAL PiCS) (¯`'.¸ ¸.'´¯) - 20
(Medford, Medford/ Ashland/ Grants Pass In/Outcall)
phat booty cutie readyt and Waiting... your freaky secret - 23
(Medford, *M*e*D*f*O*r*D* and surrounding areas...)
Beautiful *** Latina ** Beauty..100% Me (23) no hablo espanol :) - 23
(Medford, medford and surrounding areas)
► HERE NOW! *❤* 100% REAL*❤* TODAY ONLY ! ► Bl0nDe!! - 22
Arrived in MED. 😘 ♡PETITE CARAMEL CUTIE W/ a BOOTY!♡ 5'2 , 115lbs, Curvy & Real Tyte!! 💯REAL!! - 22
(Bend, Eugene, Medford, MEDFORD!)
EXACTLY😉 What UR L👀KING 4😘👋🏾 & Available 24/7🎀✨✨The ✨✨ORIGINAL✨✨ Black Goddess👑✨ - 21
(Medford, Medford,Grantpass,Ashland)
**$$75 SpEcIaLs 4GeT aBoUt YoUr NeW yEaRs ReSoLuTiOnS... cOmE gEt AdDiCtEd To ThIs BaD hAbIt!!! - 25
Wild Cat Brothel - 35
(Bend, Corvallis, East Oregon, Eugene, Klamath Falls, Medford, Oregon Coast, Portland, Roseburg, Salem)
Chicagocovergirls needs touring escorts - 25
(Bend, Corvallis, East Oregon, Eugene, Klamath Falls, Medford, Oregon Coast, Portland, Roseburg, Salem, chicago)
Łäšt Çhâñçē✌🏽️· •°★°•💦ⓦⓔⓣ & ⓦⓘⓛⓓ🙊💕 SèXÿ Bÿ NàTúRë ŃaÚgĤŤy_ bŶ_ČhŐičë💕·💜· - 22
(Medford, Medford/Central Point/Jacksonville/GP)
Ebony Goddess 🍫👑 New in Town wit Grade A Service 💋💦🙊 - 23
(Eugene, Medford, Medford Incall, Portland, Salem)
♥ ♥ BACK JUST FOR THE NIGHT◢◤◢◤♥50$♥QK SPECIAL ♥◢◤◢◤♥ ♥UR Latina♥ ♥◢◤◢◤OBSESSION ♥GREAT Rates!!!!♥ - 24
(Medford, I-5 S. Exit 30 IC/ Outcall +50)
¨*.EXOTIC AsiAn .*¨¨*. BoMBShELL .*¨¨* IS READY *¨¨*. 1000% ME GUARENTEE or FREE!! SPECIALS - 21
(Medford, medford Outcall/Incall ava Now)
New&iMpRoVeD; the 1*N*only»{Ra¢QûëL*H²O} is BACK & SeXieR than EVER! »{Come Play OnMy Slip & Slide!!! - 22
(Medford, 24hr In&OutCallService; 2 Medford&Areas;)
NEW ♥707*567*3419♥ The NEW Ms. Jesicca Rabbit ▓•♥• ★•❤.•* *•.❤*▓ - 21
(Medford, Medford & Surounding areas)
Wed 08 Jan
$w€€T ♡♡ @$ ♡♡ H€@v€N ♥♥ N@UGHTy ♥♥ @$ ♥♥ H€££ ♥♥ $P€C!@£$ ♡♡ @££ ♡♡ N!GHT ♥♥ Th!cK ♥♥ & ♥♥ CuRv€¥ ♥ - 23
(Medford, Medford, Ashland, Grants Pass)
••••• 💜 •••••• New Girl ⭐️ Your Ultimate Upscale Bombshell ⭐️ Available Now ••••• 💜 •••••• - 22
(Beaverton (My Place), Portland)
100~ 140~ 200 !JAMAICAN CutiE with a bOOty **♥ :::~HERE TODAY GONE 2Morrow~ - 20
(Medford, Visiting MEDFORD short time ONLY!)