Mon 27 Jan
Special Tonight - Give Me a Call!! - 19
(Bend, Corvallis, East Oregon, Eugene, Klamath Falls, Medford, Oregon Coast, Portland, Roseburg, Salem, In your arms ;))
Sugary sweet, with just enough Spice 2 fulfill ANY fantasy - 24
(Medford, medford and surrounding areas)
💥 PaRaDiSe PlEaSuReS💋💥 ThE bEsT 💦 💯 jUiCeBoX 💥 I sAY yEs💥 i CaNt SaY nO 💥 ➡️ FUN ⬅️💥 - 25
(Medford, incall/outcall) Ashland grants pass)
★E-V-E-R-Y ~★~ M-A-N-S ~★~ F-A-N-T-A-S-Y~★~ Loucious Lexi ~★~ Your temporary Girlfriend~★~ - 27
(Medford, Medford incall outcall GP-Ashland)
ANY _★___WAY __★___ YOU __★___ WANT __ ★__ IT __ ! - 19
(Medford, North Riverside Medford incalls/outcalls)
*°U p S c A l E ☆*° M i X e D ☆*° B e a u t y☆ *°_CrEAmy & SoFt & Specials - 21
(Medford, Medford/Ashland/Incall & Outcall)
💥 PaRaDiSe TuEsDaY PlEaSuReS💋💥 ToUcH mE 💦 TuEsDaY💥I sAY yEs💥 i CaNt SaY nO 💥 ➡️ FUN ⬅️💥 - 25
(Medford, incall/outcall) Ashland grants pass)
Oliva+Spring Hot Sticky Sweet or Stockings &Stillettos; +SPECIALS Rush Real Pics Independent - 20
(Medford, Incall&Outcall; Ashland,Phoenix,)
New In Town !!! 🌸⭐BLONDE BOMBSHELL🌸⭐ ((Fetish Friendly)) 🌸⭐ AmberLynn 🌸⭐ Don't Miss This!!⭐🌸 InCalls- - 20
(PDX, Portland)
▆██ █▆▅▆██ █▆▅▆██ █▆▅all NITE SpEcIaLs 1 hour =1/2 hour donation ▅▆█ ██▆▅▆█ ██▆▅▆█ ██▆▅ - 25
(Medford, █ 🎀 █med. in & out ALL NIGHT █ 🎀 █)
Sat 11 Jan
★E-V-E-R-Y ~★~ M-A-N-S ~★~ F-A-N-T-A-S-Y~★~ Loucious Lexi ~★~ Your temporary Girlfriend~★~ - 27
(Medford, Medford incall outcall GP-Ashland)
Fri 10 Jan
💛🔥💛💋▃▂ Incall-Outcall💛🔥💛❤ NEW GIRL 💛🔥💛 SEXY💛🔥💛❤ 💛🔥💛❤ Tammy ▂▃💛🔥💛 - - 22
(Medford, Medford-Ashland-Phoenix-Grants pass)
Thu 09 Jan
💥 PaRaDiSe TuEsDaY PlEaSuReS💋💥 ToUcH mE 💦 TuEsDaY💥I sAY yEs💥 i CaNt SaY nO 💥 ➡️ FUN ⬅️💥 - 25
(Medford, incall/outcall) Ashland grants pass)
Wed 08 Jan
L-U-S-C-I-O-U-S ~ L-E-X-I ~★~ ¥0ur T€mPor@ry GirLfRi€nD ~★~ T¡tZ & AzZzZ ★~X-R@t€D~★ - 27
(Medford, Medford incall outcall GP-Ashland)
Tue 07 Jan
❤- THiS DiRTy GiRL iS aLWaYS ReaDy 2 PLaY!!! -❤- My NaTuRaL 38DD GuaRaNTeeD 2 SaTiSFy! -❤- 75 $PeCiaL 2NiTe! - 29
(Portland, Incall/Outcall)
★✧ ★✧★✧★ ★ Satisfy Your Craving With Something Sexy ★✧★✧★ Available Now !!! ★✧★✧★ - 24
(Medford, Ashland/ Medford / InCall/Outcall)
Mon 06 Jan
Actual, real person well reviewed from Portland visiting Medford. Raquel. Sun & Mon. - 40
(Medford, Medford Sunday & Monday.)
L-U-S-C-I-O-U-S ~ L-E-X-I ~★~ ¥0ur T€mPor@ry GirLfRi€nD ~★~ T¡tZ & AzZzZ ★~X-R@t€D~★ - 27
(Medford, Medford incall outcall GP-Ashland)
Oliva+Summer Hot Sticky Sweet or Stockings &Stillettos; +SPECIALS Rush Real Pics Reviews Independent - 20
(Medford, Incall Outcall Ashland,Phoenix,GrantsPas)
Sun 05 Jan
Sat 04 Jan
Oliva+Summer Hot Sticky Sweet or Stockings &Stillettos; +SPECIALS Rush Real Pics Reviews Independent - 20
(Medford, Incall Outcall Ashland,Phoenix,GrantsPas)
BUSTY all Natural Sweetness! Escape Into My World! - 19
(Bend, Corvallis, East Oregon, Eugene, In town, Klamath Falls, Medford, Oregon Coast, Portland, Roseburg, Salem)
Fri 03 Jan
Oliva+Spring Hot Sticky Sweet or Stockings &Stillettos; +SPECIALS Rush Real Pics Independent - 20
(Medford, Incall&Outcall; Ashland,Phoenix,)
💥 PaRaDiSe PlEaSuReS💋💥 ThE bEsT 💦 💯 jUiCeBoX 💥 I sAY yEs💥 i CaNt SaY nO 💥 ➡️ FUN ⬅️💥 - 25
(Medford, incall/outcall) Ashland grants pass)
*°U p S c A l E ☆*° M i X e D ☆*° B e a u t y☆ *°_CrEAmy & SoFt & Specials - 21
(Medford, Medford/Ashland/Incall & Outcall)
★✧ ★✧★✧★ ★ Satisfy Your Craving With Something Sexy ★✧★✧★ Available Now !!! ★✧★✧★ - 24
(Medford, Ashland/ Medford / InCall/Outcall)
☆No B.S. ☆No Games! [HOT CHICK ALERT!] Tonight Only Specials! [180Fh/ 100 hh/ 80 QV] ☆503-773-4900 🔥Call or Text now! - 24
(Portland, Portland, Vancouver)
Thu 02 Jan